What is Engine Oil?
Engine oil is a substance that comprises additives and base oil and it is used to lubricate internal combustion Engines. Notably, base oil is extracted from petroleum-based hydrocarbons and integrated with other components to boost its functionality. Scientifically, moving parts are subject to wear and tear due to friction. To counter this effect Engine oils provide wear protection and prolong engine's life, by utilizing anti-wear additives. Other crucial purposes that the Engine oil plays include:

  • Neutralizing acidity that originates from fuels and from the oxidation of the oil
  • Suppress undesirable properties
  • Improves the sealing capacity of the piston rings
  • Cools the engine by providing a sump for excess heat

When should you Use Engine Oil?
Preventive maintenance is an important aspect of engineering. Running equipment to failure can be costly, time-consuming, and catastrophic. Therefore, you need to change your Engine Oil to keep your car in good shape. Probably, you might wonder when you should change your engine oil. In this case, you should regularly check the levels, and if you do not know much about internal combustion engines, you should consult your local technician. Furthermore, you should always consult your owner’s manual for the recommended oil change intervals.

Features of engine oils
First, you should note that the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) determines the viscosity rating of engine oil. Below are some important characteristic of a good lubricant.

  • Should not evaporate at high temperature (low volatility)
  • Should not be affected by cold temperature (low Pour Point)
  • Should not corrode machine parts
  • Should have a high viscosity index

Therefore, we can see that lubricants need to have a wide-ranging temperature capability to be able to handle the heat produced by moving parts and the cold produced by low winter temperatures.

How do You Choose Engine Oil?
The process of choosing appropriate engine oil for your internal combustion engine may seem daunting. However, the first thing you should do is to check the manufacturer's manual, to see the recommended SAE viscosity grade. You should also examine if the oil has the recommended API classification. Do not always go for the cheaper brands in the market because sometimes "cheap is expensive."


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